Croatia is one of the more expensive European destinations to holiday in this summer according to a survey by the UK Post Office. The Post Office barometer monitors the price of eight tourist items – comprising dinner for two with a bottle of wine, a range of soft and alcoholic drinks, sun cream and insect repellent, and the Croatian destination of Porec was listed as eighth most expensive on the list.
The Post Office carries out this research every year and over recent years Croatia, or rather prices in Croatia, have grown considerably. According to the survey the cheapest destination in Europe is Bulgaria where the eight tourist items will cost around £36, followed by Turkey at £45 and Portugal at £50. The price of the eight items in Porec, Croatia comes in at twice the price of the cheapest European countries at £80. With the most expensive European destination on the Post Office survey being Sorrento, Italy at £119.
In general, the Post Office survey revealed that prices for popular resorts and cities have fallen this year. With 19 of the 42 destinations surveyed cheaper than in 2018. Andrew Brown of Post Office Travel Money commented that “It is good news that prices are down in many destinations this year, but it is still very important to be aware of the huge variation in costs we found across the 42 countries surveyed. For example, barometer costs in the six cheapest resorts and cities are less than half those in the 15 priciest destinations. That’s why we advise holidaymakers to draw up a destination shortlist and do their homework by comparing the prices for meals, drinks and other tourist items before booking. Forearmed is forewarned!”