Four new respirators with monitors for monitoring vital functions were presented to the public at the Dubrovnik General Hospital. They were purchased for the needs of the Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care thanks to a donation from the City of Dubrovnik, as part of the City and Hospital's activities to combat the coronavirus pandemic.
The value of the purchase is 967,500 kuna including VAT, and the contracted supplier of modern devices is the company Drager Medical Croatia.
Introducing the devices, the director of the Dubrovnik General Hospital Marijo Bekic thanked the City of Dubrovnik and Mayor Mato Frankovic, emphasizing that with this acquisition the General Hospital currently has 15 basic respirators, which fully meets the needs of the Hospital, but also further strengthens Dubrovnik as a safe destination in terms of tourism.
-With these 15 devices, we are fully ready to provide support to the tourism sector. In case of emergency, we have six more transport devices at our disposal, as well as a dozen anesthesia devices that can also be converted into respirators - said director Bekic.
Mayor Mato Frankovic said that the City is systematically and continuously investing in the Dubrovnik General Hospital and that it will continue with this practice in the future.
-We have to invest in the hospital, but also in the staff - medical and non-medical staff. It has just been shown how important the health care system is for citizens, but also for a tourist destination, because visitors today, among other factors, expect health security, and Dubrovnik can provide it - Frankovic said.