In the last 24 hours there are no new cases of COVID-19 in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County, stated the Civil Protection Staff of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County today.
“To date 1,794 samples have been sent to Zagreb, 64 were sent yesterday, and all findings are negative. There are still 112 positives cases of coronavirus in our county, and although we had two positives yesterday after a long time of no new cases, it is expected that there will be more in the coming weeks. In total 57 people have made a full recovery,” commented the Chief of Staff, Josko Cebalo.
Mario Bekic, the director of the Dubrovnik General Hospital, added that today 12 patients are hospitalized with COVID-19. The temporary hospital, the Dubrovnik Student dormitory is without patients, but still on standby for possible new positives, while the Dubrovnik General Hospital will slowly return to regular mode on Monday, with new rules for virus protection.
“The entrance to the clinic will be separated as well as a separate entrance to the hospital, people’s temperatures will be measured at the entrance, everyone who has to go inside will receive a protective mask. The examinations will go a little slower. Anyone who is entering the hospital for invasive surgery will have to have a negative swab for COVID-19 not older than 48 hours,” added Bekic.
An appeal for responsible behaviour was again sent from the Headquarters for tomorrow is a public holiday, the 1st of May.