Speculation about season seven of the HBO serial Game of Thrones has already begun, season six recently finished broadcasting and the Game of Thrones rumour mill is in full force. Dubrovnik, which is the location of King’s Landing, has starred in the serial since season two however this year there seems to be a question mark as to whether Dubrovnik will be a filming location. The seventh season requires colder and darker locations meaning that firstly filming will start later than normal, through the winter months, and that sunny locations are surplus to requirements.
"We're starting a bit later because at the end of this season, “Winter is here” - and that means that sunny weather doesn't really serve our purposes anymore," commented the executive producers of the show David Benioff and Dan Weiss. This statement alone would seem to suggest that Dubrovnik is not in their plans as a filming location for this year. And as season seven will be filmed later than normal it will also be broadcast at a later date, instead of spring 2017 the planned release date is the summer. Weiss added that that they are looking for some "grim, grey weather" for the upcoming season.
Exact information on the locations to be used for the seventh series is still not available. However Northern Ireland, Iceland and several locations in Spain, including the volcano on Tenerife, have been mentioned as possible locations. Croatia, and Dubrovnik, still seems to be off the radar, although this has yet to be confirmed. Last year Dubrovnik was only used sparingly as a location, although previously shot scenes did appear. But with colder weather and grey skies needed Dubrovnik doesn’t fit into this description.