Thursday, 13 February 2025
Tourist takes his life in his hands for the perfect selfie Tourist takes his life in his hands for the perfect selfie (ne)KULTURA NA DUBROVAČKIM ULICAMA

Tourist risks his life for the perfect selfie on Dubrovnik City Walls

Written by  Jun 08, 2019

Quite clearly there are no lengths tourists will stop at to get the right selfie or the perfect panorama over the terracotta roods of the Old City of Dubrovnik. This tourist took his life in his own hands when he climbed onto the Dubrovnik City Walls and, armed with his camera, risked a fall onto the unforgiving stone streets 30 metres below.

This photo was uploaded onto the Facebook page of the group “(ne)Kultura na dubrovačkim ulicama” ((no)Culture on the streets of Dubrovnik) and quite evidently shows that no matter how much security and how many warnings you install some tourists will just go that one extra step for the right holiday image.

Only twenty days ago, albeit in completely different circumstances, an American tourist was badly injured when he fell from the walls, and the last tragic case of someone losing their life was recorded nine years ago.

- These fatal falls occur about every 10 years. So once in every ten million visitors. We have done everything it terms of security, from fences to protective nets and signs, from making the movement of visitors into a one-way system,” commented Niko Kapetanić, the President of the Friends of Dubrovnik's Antiquities, the organisation that runs and maintains the walls.

But clearly some people will ignore the warnings and take the dangerous route of climbing up on the walls.

Every year the Friends of Dubrovnik Antiquities pays over half a million Kuna for insurance premiums, so far not one visitor has sued them over an accident on the walls.

"We even redeem the Red Cross volunteers who stand at different locations on the Dubrovnik City Walls in case someone injures their feet or becomes dehydrated,” added Kapetanić.

The 1,940 metres long Dubrovnik City Walls are the most visited attraction in the city and in the top three most visited tourist landmarks in the whole of Croatia.


The Voice of Dubrovnik


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