Sunday, 09 February 2025

MEETINGS STAR: Dubrovnik is the top congress destination

Written by  Jul 19, 2018

Specialized congress industry magazine ‘’Kongres Magazine’’ has rated 84 congress destinations in different categories and Dubrovnik is ranked first in the category of destinations that can host about one thousand congressmen.

Meetings Star is an award for outstanding achievements in the congress tourism of Europe, in the field of marketing communication of destinations, congresses, events and congressional service providers. The award recognizes businesses that are showing achievements in the congress industry.

The Editorial Board of the Kongres magazine this year prepared an overview of the best congress destinations in the region, which were evaluated in the context of the KONGRES MEETOLOGUE project. Destinations were evaluated according to 75 different criteria, from natural and cultural factors; security, general and traffic infrastructure; tourism infrastructure and congress infrastructure, ICCA index, quality of life etc. According to the results of the secret ballot, Dubrovnik received a total score of 4.33 (out of 5), and is on the top of the list in front of Villach and Klagenfurt in Austria.

Dubrovnik has once again proved to be a successful world tourist destination by ranking at the top of the best in the congress industry in Europe and as the best in the region. These awards are a result of the joint efforts of the tourism industry representatives in the congress segment, from hoteliers and specialized organizers of business meetings and events, to the Congress Office of the Tourist Board of Dubrovnik, which invest in the promotion of Dubrovnik as a congress and incentive destination. This title is a confirmation of excellence and a stimulation for further work in order to further increase the quality of the congress offer but also to Dubrovnik as a destination as a whole.

The Voice of Dubrovnik


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