Dubrovnik Airport has welcomed its two millionth passenger for the first time ever. Stephanie Eng Allen, from Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, arrived on a Croatia Airlines flight from Zurich.
She was accompanied by her husband, Jack Allen, and they came to celebrate their wedding anniversary.
- For the first time in the history of this glorious and successful tourist season of the Dubrovnik Airport we welcome our two millionth passenger on a flight of our most important partner, Croatia Airlines. This year we expect a record of 2 300 000 passengers – said Dubrovnik Airport Director Roko Tolic, adding that they are working intensively on new flights and lines for next year.
The ceremony was held in the section of the passenger terminal where the new restaurant will be opened soon.
Stephanie Eng Allen got gifts from representatives of the Konavle Borough, the City of Dubrovnik and the Dubrovnik-Neretva County as well as the tourist boards, Croatia Airlines and Valamar Hotels.
Stephanie was pleasantly surprised especially since it is her first trip to Europe and in Dubrovnik, which she says is a beautiful place with wonderful people.
-This is a special time for me and my husband because we are celebrating our first wedding anniversary and you have made it even more special. We are on vacation for 12 days. We are here until Sunday and we go on a cruise trip to the Greek islands and then from Athens we go back home. I've never been here and I was all very surprised. This is a special place – said Stephanie.
Roko Tolic with Stephanie Eng Allen marking the 2 millionth mark - Photo Zeljko Tutnjevic