Friday, 14 February 2025
Pile Bridge shining after renovation Pile Bridge shining after renovation Zeljko Tutnjevic

Pile Bridge returned to its former glory

Written by  Sep 09, 2017

The Association of the Friends of Dubrovnik's Antiquities symbolically handed over to the City of Dubrovnik the bridge on the Pile gate yesterday. The bridge has undergone complex and extensive renovation works and is now shining in its former glory.

This iconic Dubrovnik bridge, which is crossed by millions of people every year, is the main entrance into the historic UNESCO World Heritage Site. And the president of the association, Niko Kapetanic, commented that “Everything started at the beginning of this century, when we at the association made a far-reaching decision. It was shown that the two main entrances into the city, on Pile and Ploce, needed renovation and rebuilding. This meant removing the asphalt, restoring all the three bridges, which were proven to be unstable, and to repair all other parts.”

niko kapentanic

Mato Frankovic (left) and Niko Kapetanic talk to the press 


On behalf of the City of Dubrovnik the Mayor, Mato Frankovic, and Deputy Mayor, Jelka Tepsic, attended the handing over ceremony. “This is an exceptionally significant day, this bridge has once again been symbolically returned to the city and to the citizens,” commented Frankovic.

new pile bridge

The Voice of Dubrovnik


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