Dubrovnik awoke under a white blanket as snow fell overnight. Temperatures dropped to – 5 degrees through the night and snow, that was forecast, fell all night.
It was an unusual sight and photos of white Dubrovnik soon filled the social media. Snow is still falling in the region and the forecast is for a day of more cold weather and snow. Many of the roads in the region are under a blanket of snow and even the Stradun in the heart of the historic Old City of Dubrovnik is under 5 centimetres of snow. The police have once again warned drivers not to leave home without winter equipment, including snow chains.
Temperatures are currently – 2 degrees and highs today are expected to reach 2 degrees. The last time that snow fell in Dubrovnik was in 2009 and the coldest recorded temperature in Dubrovnik was in January 1968 when thermometers dropped to – 6.6 degrees. Take extra care on the roads and only travel if completely neccessary.
Check out our Dubrovnik in the snow gallery
Photos Ivana Smilovic