Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Proposed traffic regime for Dubrovnik Proposed traffic regime for Dubrovnik Grad Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik could be first city in Croatia with regulated traffic system - if you plan on driving in Dubrovnik you'll need to read this!

Written by  Feb 27, 2023

If you are planning to drive to Dubrovnik, or even rent-a-car whilst on vacation here you’re going to need to read this. The roads around the historic Old City core have been chaotic for some time. In the summer months when the world descends on the city the compact one-way system is bursting at the seams and long tailbacks are usual. So in an attempt to ease the traffic around the city core the City of Dubrovnik has decided to bring in a new regime for the flow of traffic. To quote the Facebook status “It’s Complicated.”

There can be no doubt that something needed to be done to ease the traffic jams around the city centre. And the City of Dubrovnik has come up with that they think is a solution, granted a solution that will probably take some time to have any effect, and could well in the short-term lead to puzzled drivers. It must be added that this is a draft decision, some points might need some ironing out.

In fact, this is the first such decision ever brought in Croatia, a pioneering one. And it is all based on a colour system, no before you ask not the colour of your car. "Since we are the first in Croatia in this regard and given the lack of practice, I invite all business entities from the area of the city of Dubrovnik, as well as all citizens, to participate in the public consultation on the draft decision so that when it is adopted. In this sense, I expect the public to participate in the creation of the decision through the institute of public consultation by sending their suggestions, proposals and deliberations", said Mayor Franković.


Proposed start point of new traffic system in Dubrovnik - Photo Google Maps

Breaking it down as easy as possible. From the street Ilijina Glavica, which is the street where the large public garage is located, to Boninovo, on the other side of the city a special traffic regime is proposed. And it is based on a colour system, a traffic light system if you like.


The first category is for pull campervans, caravans and tractors, the red category, and these vehicles will be completely banned from passing the checkpoint on Ilijina Glavica. This makes sense as there is absolutely no parking for campers or caravans around the city as all the parking spaces are “residents only.” So there isn’t really any reason for a camper or caravan to be circulating in the region. As for tractors, well an obvious one as there aren’t any fields that need tending to.

The second category, the blue one, is aimed at citizens who have residence in the zone that is affected by the new regime. Again that makes sense as people need to get to their homes, and these drivers are already able to park in the “residents only” zone.

The third category, the green one, is for vehicles who are able to always enter the restricted zone without hindrance. And this means public transport, motorcycles, emergency services, armed forces, mountain rescue service, etc.

The fourth category, the yellow one, is aimed at drivers who have a regular pre-paid parking ticket for either a parking lot or garage space in the zone. In other word citizens who live in other suburbs of Dubrovnik but have the right to park inside the new restricted zone.

And the last category, the brown category, is aimed at business vehicles. So this could include taxis, coaches, delivery vans, etc. 


That leaves a few open questions. Granted foreign vehicles can’t park around the Old City anyway as the whole zone is “residents only.” However, what about tourists who are staying in the many hotels that use these restricted roads? And the Airbnb and booking.com guests? There presumably needs to be some allowance for these drivers. Yes, the City wants tourists, day-trippers, to park in the garage or other spaces away from the city and use the public transport, that seems reasonable, but this area is home to a considerable number of accommodation units.

Zona posebnog prometnog režima 2

Dubrovnik mayor explains proposed traffic system - Photo Grad Dubrovnik 

Drivers will be well informed of the new regime, LED screens will update drivers. And there will also be an update on the Google Maps system. And if drivers fail to notice, or react, to any of these messages they will have the chance to turn around before they enter the restricted zone. A new roundabout will be constructed near the main parking garage where drivers can turn around.

This is clearly a work in progress, and the mayor himself admitted that it would take some time to work. Time will tell if this is indeed the golden bullet to solve Dubrovnik’s traffic chaos.



The Voice of Dubrovnik


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