Excatly one month before the start, the programme of Dubrovnik Winter Festival was presented by the mayor of Dubrovnik Andro Vlahusic and his associates.
- It's not easy to create new value in a city that cherishes tradition. People call and ask when the Winter Festival will start. We have received all the required permits, and now we're just waiting for the end of the competition for small houses on Stradun which is opened until October 28th. This year we will have free public transport within the city in the evening again. The novelty is that we'll have free parking in the harbor and a free opened bus from Gruz to the City. There will be more decorations in Lapad and a space between Sponza and cathedral will be particuraly horticulturally decorated. There will be a non-commercial content, but let's leave that as a surprise. As for the cost, all this is a part of regular work of utility companies. Decorative lighting will cost up to half a million, the cost of gardeners will be around 200-300 thousand and little houses will pay for themselves. We have decorative lighting from last year, Teddy is here, we just have to prepare him - announced the mayor of Dubrovnik.
Public institution in culture, Dubrovnik Summer Festival, will be a big part of the Festival. Director Ivana Medo Bogdanovic said that the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, as part of the Dubrovnik Winter Festival, will spend max half a million kuna.
- I'm happy that Dubrovnik Summer Festival will help in the organisation of the fun and culture programmes that are not directly connected with the Summer Festival – added Medo Bogdanovic.
Head of the Entrepreneurship, sea and tourism departament, Vlaho Margaretic, said that children will be able to enjoy the fun fair and ice skating in Gruz just like last year.
This year's event theme will include the story of Robin Hood, because the filming of the movie 'Robin Hood: Origins', about this medieval hero is expected early next year. Dubrovnik Winter Festival will run from 19th of November until the beginning of March 2017.