September is World Alzheimer's Awareness Month and Alzheimer's Action Day was marked today, the 21st of September. And the Dubrovnik based society, DUSAB – Dubrovnik Association for Alzheimer sufferers, their carers, family and friends – organised an event in order to raise awareness about Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
DUSAB stated that the Dubrovnik-Neretva County has over 3,000 patients (according to the latest statistics from Alzheimer Europe) and that year on year the number of patients is growing. They also warned that there still are many stigmas related to Alzheimer's disease and dementia and that the disease still remains a mystery to the scientific community.
“My husband became ill with dementia and my daughter helped me to care. We came up with the idea to establish an association,” commented Beba Pazin, one of the founders of DUSAB. She added that the association meets every Tuesday in their Dubrovnik premises in which they hold lectures, workshops, psychotherapy and exchange experiences. “We are fighting the stigma that the disease has on a daily basis, and slowly but surely are moving forward,” concluded Pazin.
On the World Day of Alzheimer's disease the DUSAB association explained their work to the gathered patients, carers and people interested or affected by the disease.
Photos - DUSAB Facebook