Three weeks after the Government limited the maximum price of face masks in retail to 12 kuna, the State Inspectorate in cooperation with the Croatian Institute of Public Health published a template declaration that such products must have – reports.
In addition to surgical, the market is flooded with linen masks, which in the future will have to carry a declaration with basic information about the product.
According to, it is prescribed that the fabrics must be hundred percent cotton, with a thick fabric, at least 100 g / m2, and can be one-color or multicolor, but without a print, provided that they can be washed at a temperature above 60 degrees Celsius.
Both double-layer and single-layer linen masks to reduce and slow down the transmission of respiratory drops must have a note that these masks are not protective masks, and with the instructions for use and a description of how to put them correctly on the face on the declaration, there must be the name of the manufacturer or importe and a note that it is not a protective mask, and that the mask must be washed before use.
This declaration will not be placed on linen masks with a print, which are not subject to the Government's decision to limit the maximum price.