The average net salary in Zagreb in October 2019 amounted to 7,541 kuna (€1,014), which is 1,045 kuna higher than the average take-home pay for the rest of Croatia for that month.
The average net salary in Zagreb this past October increased in the nominal terms by 54 kuna or 0.72 percent, compared to September 2019, and also by HRK 281 or 3.8 percent compared to October 2018, show statistics published by the city's strategic planning and development department.
Broken down by the type of business activity, Zagreb's highest average monthly salary, 12,103 kuna, was paid to those working in the crude oil and natural gas exploitation services, followed by the financial services sector, where the average monthly take-home pay in October was 10,823 kuna.
On the other hand, the lowest average monthly wage, 4,125 kuna, was paid in the clothes manufacturing sector.