Meteorologists from the State Hydro-Meteorological Institute (DHMZ) issued a notice Tuesday that parts of Croatia might hit with the phenomenon known rain dust his week. It is the rain that leaves the most common brown or yellowish traces on the surface or exposed objects, and is also known as muddy rain, red rain and coloured rain.
- Muddy rain may occasionally be observed in the area of Croatia, more often in the Adriatic and in areas along the Adriatic than in the continental part of the country - the meteorologists said in a statement on the DHMZ site.
Mostly, that’s rain with sand from Sahara and it can be further contaminated with other particles in the atmosphere, such as pollen, as it happened in april this year, when muddy rain fell all across Croatia.
This is not too frequent at our area, and muddy rain is not dangerous, so usually no special meteorological warnings are given. It is most often mentioned as a meteorological interest.
- As we have already mentioned, over the territory of our country, the colored rain was recorded on April 16 this year, when the cyclone, which originated in the western Mediterranean, moved to the Middle Mediterranean, and at the height there was a strong south and southwest current that was in our the ends brought warm and damp air. This warm air mass contained sand from northern Africa, Croatian meteorologists concluded.