The gross domestic product of the European Union in 2017 amounted to a healthy 15,300 billion Euros, and three members generated over half.
Germany, the United Kingdom and France absolutely dominate the financial standing of the European Union and generated over half of the total GDP in 2017. Germany is out in front with a whopping 3,300 billion Euros, or 21 percent of the total GDP, followed by the United Kingdom with 15.2 percent and France with 14.9 percent. Italy, Spain and the Netherlands then followed on the list, but where did Croatia finish?
With a mere 0.3 percent of the total European GDP it is clear to see that Croatia has plenty of work to do to improve its financial position. In fact, Croatia isn’t alone, there were eleven countries that produced less than one percent of the GDP, Malta, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Slovakia and Hungary.