As the President’s Office reported, the Croatian President, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, will soon visit the diaspora in South America.
After the official visit of the first and former Croatian President, Franjo Tudjman, to South America, Grabar-Kitarović is the first Croatian President to visit members of the Croatian diaspora in Argentina, Chile and Brazil.
The Presidential tour will start on the 11th and last to the 20th of March 2018. Apart from meeting with the representatives of Croatian communities in these three South American countries, the President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović will also meet with the Presidents of Argentina and Chile, the Governor of Sao Paulo as well as with businesspersons in these countries.
It is estimated that there are 400,000 Croatians living in Chile, around 250,000 living in Argentina and 45,000 in Brazil. In fact Chile has the second largest population of Croatian diaspora after the USA.