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Compare cost of living around the globe - index of most expensive cities

Written by  Jan 17, 2018

Looking to move abroad and get more bang for your buck, well the specialised website has released a list of the most expensive destinations in the world. The most expensive city in the world, in terms of cost of living, is Hamilton on Bermuda, whilst the cheapest is Odessa in Ukraine. But where does Croatia compare on the list?

If you have ever considered packing up your bags and moving to pastures new, or looking for that place in the sun to retire to this price comparison list will give you an idea on how far your cash will go.

According to the most expensive cities in the world to live in are Hamilton, Geneva, Zurich, Grand Cayman, Reykjavik, New York, San Francisco, London and Oslo. The site basically compares a few important factors to come up with the cost of living index and then starts with a base point of 100. Or as the website states “To calculate each city's Price Index value, we start by assigning a value of 100 to a central reference city (that happens to be Prague). Once the reference point has been established, the Price Index value of every other city in the database is calculated by comparing their cost of living to the cost of living in Prague. Therefore, if a city has a Price Index of 134, that means that living there is 34% more expensive than living in Prague.”

Zagreb has an index rating of 105, making it a little more expensive than Prague, and placing it in 231st position in the world, but 5th place in Eastern Europe. Split on the Dalmatian coast has an index of 107, placing it above the capital and in 226th position in the world. Whilst Rijeka has a ranking of 94 making it the most affordable Croatia city on the list. There is no mention of Dubrovnik, however we presume that it would have taken the top position in Croatia.

Croatia’s neighbours are considerably cheaper on the cost of living index, Sarajevo has an index of 78, Podgorica 89 and Belgrade 85.

Hamilton, a British Overseas Territory, on Bermuda has a whopping 297 ranking on the cost of living index. For example, the average monthly rent of an 85 metre squared apartment in a normal area of the city will set you back 3,743 Euros a month, a basic dinner out for two in neighbourhood pub 74 Euros and a cappuccino 4.50 Euros. In Zagreb the same apartment will on average cost you 465 Euros a month, a meal for two in a pub around 18 Euros and a frothy cappuccino 1.57 Euros.
Check out the full list of the most affordable cities to live in here.

Speaking to The Dubrovnik Times a former resident of Bermuda, who now lives in Dubrovnik commented that "Bermuda is a beautiful island but being stuck in the middle of the Atlantic has it's challenges. Everything is imported, even water at times. There is little fresh produce and little to no fresh meat, a few chickens and turkeys. I once paid $70.00 for a Christmas bird. Exempted company business is the first pillar of the economy with tourism running behind, despite the recent success of the Americas Cup. Croatia has much to offer the visitor and resident alike. In most places you do get very good value for money. Living in an isolated paradise is not always what it seems."

Cost of Entertainment in Zagreb from

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