Exploration works of the seabed within the project of building the reception LNG terminal in Croatia have begun in the Sepen Bay on the island of Krk.
The exploration works, which will last to the 25th of September this year, are being conducted by the Geokon company and include a series of drillings of the sea bottom as well as a geological research of the underwater soil where a jetty for the so-called floating LNG terminal is to be built.
Goran Francic, the director of LNG Croatia, emphasizes that part of the research has already been done, however, due to the government's decision to switch from the initial concept of the land terminal to the floating one, an additional research is needed.
Francic also added that all the relevant port authorities and maritime authorities have already been notified about the research, whilst the research area has been specifically marked so the vessels can avoid it.
The first research of the seabed on the site of the future jetty was carried out a few years ago, however, according to the words of Andrea Lopac from LNG Croatia, due to the Government's change of the terminal concept, now it is necessary to build a firmer and longer jetty.
The results of this research will be interpreted by the end of this September, when the first- round tender for the design of the jetty as well as the purchase of the FSRU ship are expected.
Afterwards, when all the costs are determined, LNG Croatia can require the tariff calculation from the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA) i.e. the price of gas from the future terminal. This will largely influence the second-round tender, which is binding unlike the first one, where bidders will compete for the construction of the jetty and for the buying and selling of the FSRU ship.