The Croatian Institute of Social Sciences ''Ivo Pilar'' has presented the preliminary results of a long-term survey on the happiness of Croatian citizens.
The latest survey which included 1,976 respondents of an average age of 35 shows that Croatians generally feel happy and that they experienced more positive events than negative ones in the past two months.
Ljiljana Kaliterna Lipovcan, the head of the research commented, ''Happy people live better; they are more motivated for work and are much healthier. Most of them said that things weren't that bad ''.
On the other hand, a survey carried out by the CRO Demoskop institute shows that the general satisfaction of Croatians is ranked in the last third of European countries.
According to the feeling of happiness the ranking which includes European countries is topped by Denmark because it has a stable economic and social welfare state that functions well and therefore its citizens have less worries.