Croatia is the darling of the Austrian market and is the second most sought after destination for this summer season.
Croatia, especially the coastline, is always a popular vacation destination for Austrian tourists, and with the Istria region driving distance from many major Austrian cities it is easy to get to.
Results of market research by the well-known travel organizer Ruefa Reisen GmbH, which conducted the "Reisekompass 2023" research on trends in the travel sector this year, showed that Croatia was the second most sought after destination with 28 percent share of the survey. Italy is in number one position, and Germany in third place, followed by Spain in fourth.
"The results of this research confirm the traditionally high position of our country among Austrians, that is, their favourite foreign destinations. It is up to us to use all the potential that this market offers us with quality promotional campaigns, activities and programs and thus further strengthen Croatia's position among Austrians", said Branimir Tončinić, director of the Croatian National Tourist Office in Vienna, adding that the results of the research were also shared by numerous popular online professional magazines such as Tip Online, Hotel und Touristik, Der Standard and others.
In addition to the above data, the research also showed that 29 percent of Austrians want to spend seven to 14 days on a trip this year, while 24 percent of them want to spend two to three weeks on a trip, and when it comes to spending, it amounts to about 1,700 euros, which is about 150 euros more compared to last year's survey.