Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Financial Times praises Croatia Financial Times praises Croatia

Financial Times sees positive future for Croatian economy

Written by  Oct 19, 2016

A few days ago the Financial Times (FT), the respected international daily newspaper on business and economic news, published a few encouraging lines about the Croatian economy.

The article reads that in the six years period from 2008 to 2014 Croatia's economy contracted and its recession was rivalled only by that of Greece among its European peers.

‘’But Croatia’s tentative economic recovery has continued to strengthen in 2016, despite the collapse of its short lived coalition government after an acrimonious six months and the country’s second election within a year’’.

The European Commission forecasts that the country will have a 1.8 percent increase in GDP in 2016 primarily thanks to the tourist sector, which now accounts for about a fifth of Croatia’s output. The commission also predicts that the unemployment rate in Croatia will drop below 15 percent next year.

‘’Following September’s elections there is also tentative hope that the next government may keep a grip on public spending and tackle administrative barriers to investment. That is ambitious given the tendency of Croatian politics to obstruct economic reform. But some people have guarded optimism’’, concluded the Financial Times.

The Voice of Dubrovnik


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