Sunday, 16 February 2025

Croatian president to visit the Queen for the first time

Written by  Oct 11, 2016

Croatian president Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic will meet with the Queen Elizabeth II in London for the first time. Her husband Jakov will also be present. 

The conversation should take about 45 minutes and apparently they won't talk about Brexit, but about the general political happenings in the world.

When it comes to visiting the Queen, there are some special rules. The Queen must be addressed with ''Your Majesty'', accompanied with the direct contact with eyes. Later in conversation she must be called ''Madame''. President Grabar-Kitarovic doesn't have to bow, since she's a head of state and they are at the same rank, but the first gentleman will bow slightly and shake hands with the Queen.

This meeting is happening seven months after a two-day visit to Croatia by Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, as a part of their tour of the region. The visit had no political dimension, but was focused on strenghtening the connection between two countries and their citizens.

The Voice of Dubrovnik


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