Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Well over half of Croatians own a pet

Written by  Sep 05, 2016

According to an online survey carried out by the GfK pollsters, more than half of the world population have at least one pet.

This survey included over 27,000 people from 22 countries and showed that Latin American countries (Argentina, Mexico and Brazil) have the highest number of pet owners, followed by USA and Russia. Croatians also placed high on this list i.e. 61 percent of Croatian households have at least one pet.

On the other hand, Asian countries appear to have the smallest percentage of pet owners, according to this online survey.

As far as Croatian pet owners are concerned, dogs are the most preferred pet animals i.e. 41 percent of people own a dog whilst 29 percent of Croatians are cat lovers.

By the geographical division, around 76 percent inhabitants in the north of Croatia have a pet, whilst 46 percent of people from the south (Dalmatia) cater for pets.

According to the press release from GfK, a third of the online population from 22 countries reported to have a dog, compared to 23 percent of people who have a cat. On the other hand, only 12 percent of people have a pet fish and 6 percent of them have a pet bird.
Generally, dogs are the most popular pets among the respondents of the GfK survey, especially in Argentina (66%) and Mexico (64%).

Among 22 world countries Turkey has the highest number of bird owners (20%).

The Voice of Dubrovnik


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