Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas - The editor and big chief of The Dubrovnik Times. Born in the UK he has been living and working in Dubrovnik since 1998, yes he is one of the rare “old hands.” A unique insight into both British and Croatian life and culture, Mark is often known as just “Englez” or Englishman. He is a traveller, a current affairs freak and a huge AFC Wimbledon fan.


Orlando’s column is situated in front of the St. Blaise’s Church and has always had during the history of Dubrovnik a multi-faceted role and symbolism. The column represents the character of a pale knight. The knight, according to legend, was the nephew of the Spanish King Charles, who died in 778 on his way back to Spain. It was believed that Orlando had supernatural powers and a naval victory over the Saracene pirate Spucento was attributed to Orlando and his special forces. Another legend about the origins of the column dates from the 15th century. The legend states that the column was installed at the time when Sigismund protected Dubrovnik. Sigismund was a famous Hungarian, Czech and later German king. During his life the king was famous for erecting Orlando columns all across the Brandeburg County.
Change of direction
Orlando’s stone column served the city of Dubrovnik as a flag carrier, symbol of freedom and as a metaphor for trade. His forearm is 51.2 centimeters long and this was for centuries the standard Dubrovnik measurement for fabric. For many centuries Dubrovnik merchants stood in front of the column measuring and cutting fabric. Orlando used to hold his sword in the direction of the Ottoman Empire as a symbol of readiness to fight for the freedom and independence of the Republic of Dubrovnik. Today the column is turned to Sponza Palace with his back to the church of St. Blaise.

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Orlando's column in the heart of Dubrovnik 

Dubrovnik is getting more and more popular in India! The latest evidence is an article in the online edition of the Mumbai Mirror, where Dubrovnik is described in detail, combining the history and experiences from a tour of the town that reporter Kalpana Sunder took with the local guide. Good to know – the Mumbai Mirror is a compact newspaper in the city of Mumbai, with a daily circulation of approximately 700 thousand copies, so we don't even have to talk about the level of promotion that this kind of article brings.

As usual, the Dubrovnik City Walls didn't fail to impress. ''The wall's turrets, forts, towers and cannons are straight out of a Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tale'', writes the reporter in the article.

But even though she was enchanted with the historical monuments, in the end she fell in love with the ''normal'' Dubrovnik. She highlighted that in order to discover the soul of the town you have to go behind the historical sites.

''Take the alleyways that criss-cross Old Town like vertical shafts, and showcase local life with a Mediterranean flavour: steep, tortuous mazes of mottled stone with low archways adorned with lamps, huge flowerpots, open shutters and strings festooned with drying laundry; straggly cats, and intimate wine bars and tables laid out with red and white checked tablecloths and expensive boutiques. It's in the back streets of Dubrovnik that life really plays out'', says Kalpana Sunder for the Mumbai Mirror.

This is one more reason for Indians to visit Dubrovnik. First is, as you know for sure, the movie ''Fan'', featuring Shah Rukh Khan, one of the biggest stars in Bollywood. The trailer alone got over the 13 million views in just two weeks on YouTube. The trailer also shows that the first star of the movie is Shah Rukh Khan, and the second – Dubrovnik.

A couple of days after the Star Wars cast and crew have left Dubrovnik after filming scenes for episode eight a new video of the filming has emerged. The video shows an explosion on the main street through the old city, the Stradun, as a group of people in a cafe bar run for cover. It appears that the video was taken during the first rehearsals of filming as none of the extras are in costume.

Filming for Star Wars VIII in Dubrovnik began on the 9th of March and lasted until the 16th of March; however the first few days were rehearsals for the main filming. Unfortunately none of the main stars in the latest Star Wars arrived in Dubrovnik. There were rumours that Mark Hamill and Daisy Ridley would turn up however these were unfounded. Many action scenes and stunts were filmed in Dubrovnik, as can be seen from this video, including crashing spaceships and even a huge horse-like creature was used in some scenes.

Check out this latest Star Wars VIII in Dubrovnik video!

The first day of spring, the 21st of March, a thousand restaurants around the world will be marking the day with a gastronomic event. Goût de France, or Good France, is a project that was organized on the initiative of Alain Ducasse and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development in France. 1,000 restaurants will prepare an evening of French inspired cuisine and the Bugenvila restaurant in Cavtat has been chosen to be a part of this worldwide celebration.

The Dubrovnik Times caught up with the founder and co-owner of Bugenvila in Cavtat, Igor Korousic, to discover how his restaurant got involved in the Goût de France. In 2015 the idea of Goût de France was born after a group of foodies in France wanted to revive an old event that was all about celebrating French culture. “This is not just a celebration of French cuisine, this is more connected to the French way of life, the bright colours, the country life, the culture, the happiness,” said Korousic.

This is the second year that Goût de France has been held. Dinners served simultaneously in participating restaurants will honour the merits of French cuisine, its capacity for innovation, and its values: sharing, enjoying, and respecting the principles of high-quality, environmentally responsible cuisine. 1,000 chefs, preparing 1,000 dinners in five continents are expected to take part on the 21st of March.

“We have prepared a menu that reflects the happiness of France, the colours of France, of course we will have French wine on offer and French cheese on the night,” explained Korousic. Adding that he had created a menu that captures the spirit of France, and the first day of spring.
Traditional French cuisine is not a dominion of the 21st century culinary scene. Participating chefs are encouraged to blend their own culinary culture to that of France, rather than discounting it, commented the organisers of this worldwide event.

“The first day of spring symbolises a time of new beginnings, and I think that we have found the right combination in our menu for Goût de France,” commented Korousic. Only ten restaurants in Croatia were chosen to participate in this illustrious evening, and only two in this region, along with Bugenvila the Stara Loza restaurant in the old city of Dubrovnik will also be taking part.


Bugenvila in Cavtat

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind,” once said a wise man. Individuality must be respected; conformity is a slow poison that will kill any society. When you follow the herd, as unfortunately many people in Dubrovnik do, you become lost in the fog.

Some people try so hard not to stick out, not to raise their heads above the ramparts, they spend most of their lives blending in, and when they succeed they become invisible. Of course in a small place, any small place, sticking out from the crowd takes courage. Dubrovnik lacks individuals. It can be seen at every turn. It is slowly but surely suffocating the creativity of our society.

“It must be hard to be a black sheep here,” joked the friend across the table from me. “Everyone seems so desperate to be a white sheep,” he added. He had been in Dubrovnik for exactly three days and already he had got to the heart of the problem. “There are a few grey sheep but black ones are killed at birth,” I said with smile. “It is a small town, so fear of the unknown is normal, much easier just to go with the flow, even if the flow is against your principles,” he concluded. He was right.

Differences are often treated with fear. Being part of a mass only helps to nurture that fear. We spend so much time worrying what other people think that we ignore our own feelings. I have found that I am beginning to conform, I realised it the other day. It may have been growing for a few years, and I don’t like it. I actually found myself agreeing with the gossip, towing the line, nodding in unison, all to avoid being myself. I didn’t realise at the time, it took a few days to dawn on me and now I feel disgusted.

I have been trying to purge myself over the last few days, going out of my way to be nonconformist, trying as hard as possible to return my status quo of self. It is hard. No one truly succeeds alone, or as the poet John Donne wrote “no man is an island.” So a certain amount of mutual conformity is useful, after all the most beautiful flowers in the world couldn't grow without the soil. But it is probably better to be the flower than the soil.

“It seems to me that when one thing is in fashion every one is a copy/paste culture,“ added my friend. He was right again. Sometimes the fashion here reminds me of North Korea, only much sexier. Teenagers are by nature rebellious; they are finding themselves and will experiment. But on the other hand they are trying hard to be accepted by their peers. They all have a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. Unfortunately it seems to me that the angel wins to many times in Dubrovnik.

If a certain hairstyle, a certain pair of trousers, a certain bag or a certain gadget is “in” almost every teenager will have one. Rather than creating their own style they are too quick to raise their arms in surrender and get what everyone else has. Like I already said a more fashionable of North Korea. It is also incredibly boring! I mean painstakingly dull. All the life has been sucked out of them and they are swimming with the rest of the fish, holding back their own style.

It may not be important to be individual, but it IS extremely important to be true to you. Be black or white...don’t be grey. “This is a place in desperate need of fresh blood, new life,” he had finished his coffee now and was ready to chat again. “How strange that the only thing that is unique in this place is a city that was built hundreds of years ago,” now he was in full flow. “Imagine combining the uniqueness of this glorious breathtaking city with some new and contemporary innovations. And how ironic that the city has been chosen to be in one of the most futuristic movies,” he rubbed his brow, deep in thought.

The first step is always the hardest, but there has to be a willing, a desire, to take that step. It’s much easier to stay in the crowd, criticise from a distance, it takes bravery to stand up whilst the rest are sitting. I am not sure that we are ready, I don’t see a desire for change, I am not even sure if we are brave enough. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment,” wrote the poet Ralph Waldo Emerson.

The Sheraton Dubrovnik Riviera Hotel and The Dubrovnik Times have teamed up to bring you some fantastic prizes for all the family for this Easter period in Dubrovnik. Over the next few weeks the Sheraton Dubrovnik Riviera is offering a host of prizes, from a Sweet Afternoon at the Sheraton Dubrovnik to a family Easter meal. Follow The Dubrovnik Times and the Sheraton Dubrovnik Riviera Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts to see how you can win this Easter!

“Spa day for two at the Sheraton Dubrovnik”
Relax at the Sheraton Dubrovnik Riviera with two daily passes into our spacious spa and wellness centre. Swim in the pool, chill out in the Jacuzzi, unwind in the sauna...the choice is yours with these two daily passes to our spa centre. This prize is valid for two people.

To enter this competition all you need to do is count the Easter eggs in this photo, our Easter Hunt competition in the gardens of the Sheraton Dubrovnik.

Tag your answers with #sheratondubrovniktimes the winner will be announced on the 20th of March.

The Competition is open from Saturday the 19th of March and closes at midnight Sunday 20th of March 2016. 

Find all the details and the Easter Egg Photo on the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts of The Dubrovnik Times. 

easter egg sheraton

Easter Egg Hunt at the Sheraton Dubrovnik Riviera 


What happened when a cat met a drone on the streets of Dubrovnik...well the cat won! This video was taken in front of the St. Ignatius Church in the heart of the Old City of Dubrovnik.

A drone had landed on the steps of the church and a curious local cat approached the flying machine. After realising that the drone had no scent the cat became more curious and started prodding the drone with its paw.

Watch the video to see what happened next...Cat vs. Drone.

Drinking coffee in Dubrovnik is not a question of gulping down as quickly as possible, forget your coffee to go, this is coffee to stay. There is no rush, enjoy your drink in peace; the coffee culture of Dubrovnik is a way of life. Locals drink coffee like a fish drinks water.

Unlike many bars, pubs and cafés that you might be used to back home you don’t, I repeat don’t have to pay for your coffee, or any other drink, when you order it. The waiter/waitress will take your order, and yes all of then speak great English, and return with both your drinks and the bill.

Now one of the biggest complaints that we hear from tourists is the fact that the coffee is either a – cold or b – too small. Here are a few tips to avoid these situations, although never expect those barrel sized cups that brand name coffee shops sell in major cities. Firstly order hot milk with your coffee, the waiters hear this often so don’t be shy. And secondly ask for a white coffee, there is normally plenty of choice on the menu but many of them come in espresso sized cups.

coffe culture dubrovnik 2018

Drink up in peace and at your own leisure, no rush like I’ve already mentioned, and when you’ve finished ask to pay. If you fancy another drink then just order, you don’t have to pay for the first drinks until you finished everything. And whilst we are on the price, of course there is a huge difference in price depending on where you want to drink your beverage. If you want to sit in the middle of the Old City, maybe on the Stradun, then you could be paying twice as much than a café further out of the centre, just as you would in any tourist destination or major city. For example a white coffee on the Stradun will be 20 Kunas plus, whilst on the back streets it will be around 10 Kunas.

It is also normal for a glass of tap water to come with your coffee, if it doesn’t then ask, and don’t be fobbed off with the waiter saying that they only have bottled water, that’s a tourist trap. The main point is to take your time; you are on holiday after all.


The Voice of Dubrovnik


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