Sunday, 09 February 2025
Ivana Smilović

Ivana Smilović

Ivana Smilović – a senior journalist at The Dubrovnik Times. Born and raised in Dubrovnik, Ivana (or Smile as she is known to all) graduated Media Studies from the University of Dubrovnik. A book worm, coffee addict and want-to-be world traveller Ivana brings her unique local insight, connections and general optimistic and well smiley feel to the Times.


This morning, a ship sailed into the port of Rijeka and delivered additional quantities of protective equipment from China, which are needed by the competent institutions in the continuation of efforts to suppress the coronavirus epidemic.

This is the first of several ships to deliver the remaining quantities of goods purchased from MEHECO and Sinopharm in early April. These are fully financed with funds from the European Regional Development Fund, from which Croatia has so far been approved about 50 million euros.

There are about 214 tons of goggles and protective suits on bord of the MSC Genoa, with a total value of about 10.8 million dollars. There is also a small amount of masks, protective suits and goggles donated to Croatia by the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China, the Alibaba Foundation and the Jack Ma Foundation.

During the next few days, the equipment will be delivered to the warehouse of the Directorate of Civil Protection and further distributed to users according to the operational assessments of the Civil Protection Headquarters.

Zagreb was shook again last night with weak earthquake.

The earthquake rumbled through Croatian capital at 1:27 and the magnitude was 1.6 on the Richter scale, as EMSC reported.

The depth of the earthquake was 2 kilometers, and the epicenter was 7 kilometers north of Zagreb and four kilometers south of Kasina, according to EMSC.

This is just one of the thousand tremors that followed two strong earthquakes of magnitude 5.5 and 4.8 on the Richter scale that hit Zagreb on March 22th and left terrible damage.

The third Saturday morning with the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra and the Dubrovnik Museums will take place on Saturday, June 20th.

In the workshop "Interview with prominent citizens of Dubrovnik" students from first to fifth grade of primary school will meet the legends below the portrait and with the help of workshop leaders, meet seven prominent citizens of Dubrovnik who have enriched the life of the Dubrovnik Republic.

During the workshop for children, a concert in front of the Palace will be held by wooden wind instruments. The wind chamber ensemble of the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra will be conducted by Ivan Hut, who performed in Croatia and Europe. Among the most notable collaborations of this young conductor are the Sinfonia Rotterdam (Concertgebouw Amsterdam), the Zagreb Philharmonic (New Year's and Christmas concert), the HRT Symphony Orchestra (recording works by Croatian composers), the Zadar and Varazdin Chamber Orchestras and the Sinfonica della Universidad del Guild Orchestra. The musicians will perform Mozart’s Serenade for wind instruments, Sinfonietta for ten wind instruments by J. Raff and Persian suite for wind instruments by André Caplet. The concert begins at 11 pm.

The project of the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra and Dubrovnik Museums is held as part of the new cultural project of the partners the City of Dubrovnik, the Dubrovnik Tourist Board, cultural institutions and city districts / local committees.

On the occasion of the World Music Day, which is celebrated on Sunday, June 21st, a number of rich musical events will be held in various locations in the city of Dubrovnik.

For the tenth year in a row on the first day of summer, June 21st, at five o'clock in the morning in the amphitheater on Srd, the traditional concert to welcome summer by Ana Rucner will be held. You'll have the chance to listen to the famous compositions of classical and popular music performed by this famous cellist, accompanied by versatile and charismatic Croatian pianist and composer Matej Mestrovic.

At 11 am in front of the Rector's Palace, the concert will be held by the mixed choir Libertas under the direction of conductor Viktor Lenert, with a diverse repertoire from evergreens to spiritual music, as well as the choir and orchestra of the Luka Sorkocevic Art School, conducted by Slobodan Begic.

The last musical treat organized by the City of Dubrovnik and the Dubrovnik Tourist Board, on the occasion of World Music Day, will be held in front of the Church of Saint Blaise, where the Lindo Folklore Ensemble and the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra will join forces at 8.30 pm. Folklore ensemble Lindo is preparing the performance of its tamburitza orchestra under the direction of the orchestra leader Enes Omercahic as well as the performances of the mixed and male vocal groups (a capella and with instrumental accompaniment) under the direction of the choir leader Vedran Ivankovic. The Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra will perform with its string ensemble under the direction of violinist Mirabai Weismehl Rosenfeld, and will bring works by Vivaldi, Boccherini and Britten, as well as several well-known numbers from the popular repertoire. The Brass Quartet of the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra consisting of Damir Butigan, Toni Kusar, Martin Hrcan and Dzemal Cakic and percussionist Karmen Pervitic will also perform.

Image by - Richard Clyborne of MusicStrive


Bees are important, we know that, but do you know why? The answers came from the Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy today and you can read it in the text below.

Pollinators are a diverse group of animals, the most important of which are bees, hoverflies and butterflies. More than 2000 species of bees are known in Europe, and we find a particularly great diversity in the Mediterranean area, while mountain habitats are home to the largest number of endemic bee species. In addition to wild species, bee breeding communities are also of great importance for pollination today.

Based on the latest expert estimates, there are about 725 species of bees in Croatia, of which the most endangered species are bumblebees and solitary bees.

In the European Union, pollinators are necessary for the survival of 84 percent of agricultural species, and 76 percent of food production depends on insect pollination. In terms of agricultural production alone, the contribution of pollinators is estimated at 15 billion euros per year. According to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), developed as part of a comprehensive analysis of pollinator status, pollinators carry out economic activities worth a total of 577 billion dollars. This analysis indicated that the diversity and abundance of wild bees and other pollinators are declining in many regions of the world, and that many species are endangered.

It is important to note that honey bees, species that have been domesticated by man, cannot replace the role that wild pollinators play in pollination, although they contribute to pollination.

Causes of endangerment of bees and other pollinators are the disappearance and fragmentation of habitats associated with changes in land use, then climate change and intensive agriculture. The European Parliament's resolution on the EU Pollinator Initiative, adopted last December, draws attention to the impact of pesticide use on domestic and wild bees, especially neonicotinoids, which have been shown to be harmful to bees.

The recently published European Union Biodiversity Strategy to 2030 also highlights the importance of pollinators, and states stopping the recovery of their populations as one of the key objectives of ecosystem restoration, through a series of measures that should reduce pressure on their natural habitats. By encouraging sustainable agricultural practices, especially reducing the use of pesticides and retaining natural vegetation on a minimum of 10 percent of agricultural land, as well as planting native vegetation on urban and other anthropogenic green areas, we can contribute to the fight for the survival of bees and other important pollinators, as well as our survival.

Also, among the key commitments of the Strategy until 2030, the non-use of chemical pesticides on sensitive areas such as green urban areas of the EU and the reduction of the use of chemical pesticides by 50 percent were highlighted.

Also, the recently published European Union Strategy "From the field to the table" covers the issue of reducing the use and risk of pesticides and encourages the wider implementation of integrated pest management. This strategy will also improve the risk assessment of pesticides for the environment.

The set goals should synergistically contribute to improving the condition of populations of bees and other pollinators.

Croatia is a safe country and one of the few to have a tourist season this year, Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said on Wednesday, adding that more than 350 thousand tourists had registered their arrival via the EnterCroatia system – the official website of the Croatian Government reports.

- Croatia is perceived as a country where it is desirable to come on vacation, and at the moment we may be the only country that has announcements of foreign tourists and crowds at border crossings - said Bozinovic in Zadar at the opening of the Headquarters for Security Measures during the 2020 tourist season.

Minister reminded that last year Croatia had 20 million tourists and more than 90 million overnight stays.

- We will probably not reach those figures this year, but according to today's reports, we can say that the entire security system has shown exceptional efficiency in resolving crises, regardless of whether it is epidemics, crimes or fires - Bozinovic emphasized and noted that there were twice as many fires this year than last year at this time, but they went unnoticed because of Covid-19.

- Despite that, the system worked. Our unique homeland security system sends a message not only to Croatian citizens but also to foreigners that Croatia is a safe country and that foreign tourists can feel safe here this year as well. We work according to the model we established at the very beginning of work of this Government, and the very fact that we have connected everyone who has something to do, say and analyze when it comes to the security situation speaks of the fact that we are achieving good results – Bozinovic said.

Journalists were interested in Bozinovic's opinion on wearing protective masks because tourists are confused since most people in Croatia do not wear masks.

-It is always better to have a mask than not, but it is not mandatory. If we introduced it as an obligation, it would mean that our epidemiological situation is much worse than it is. What is good is that the mask is worn indoors and perhaps most important of all - masks protect! Especially if an infected person has a mask, the chance of infecting someone is certainly much lower. If an infected and healthy person has masks, they reduce the chance of infection by up to 90 percent - Bozinovic said.
He added that the epidemic is under control in our country.

-Our numbers are small, but we must keep in mind that the situation in neighboring countries and in Europe and at the global level speaks in favor of the presence of the virus - said Minister Bozinovic.

Croatia ready to react in case of outbreaks

Bozinovic stressed that Croatia is ready to react to the possible emergence of certain outbreaks caused by the coronavirus epidemic.

-We have shown that we know how to deal with such challenges, that first and foremost - we have people, but also a technique and experience that guarantees safety to everyone - he said.

As part of the meeting with members of the Headquarters for the implementation of security measures during the upcoming tourist season, an introductory presentation was held on general security indicators and the functioning of the Headquarters for the implementation of security measures during the tourist season, followed by a presentation of the National Maritime Data Collection Center Zadar.

-For the third year in a row, we are opening and starting to work through the Safe Tourist Season project, which has proven to be very effective when it comes to protecting citizens, property and tourists visiting our country at this time of year. We can state that the security situation is favorable. However, this year's season is specific, so for the first time the health profession is an integral part of the Headquarters for a safe tourist season headed by epidemiologist Alan Medic - said Minister Bozinovic.

Minister reminded that last year there was a record number of 95 foreign police officers from 19 countries in Croatia, and at the moment there are 36 police officers from nine countries who will join their Croatian colleagues in creating a safe season in Croatia.

Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made a press release bringing some news to travelers! 

-There have been developments recently in the EU, the EEA and the Schengen area that have led to the easing of restrictions that had previously represented obstacles and risks to Swedish travellers. Therefore, as of 30 June, the MFA will remove the advice against non-essential travel to the following countries: Belgium, Croatia, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland – it's written in the press release.

The reason that the advice against travel is being removed for these countries is that they have decided to open up for travellers from Sweden and the rest of the EU, which means that the uncertainty factors for Swedes are minimised. The decision to remove the advice against travel to these countries will apply as of 30 June 2020 until further notice.
For other countries in the EU, the EEA and the Schengen area, the advice against travel remains in place until 15 July.

As the press release explains, the great uncertainty concerning global travel remains. Closed borders or far-reaching restrictions on possibilities to enter and leave countries, quarantine provisions and curfews remain a reality in large parts of the world. The disruption of international passenger traffic continues.

For travel to countries outside the EU, the EEA and the Schengen area, the advice against non-essential travel for Swedish travelers is being extended to 31 August 2020.
In good time before this date, the MFA will provide information about whether the advice against travel will be changed, extended or removed.

-The fact that the advice against travel is now being removed for certain European countries does not mean that the situation is back to normal. The situation remains uncertain and changeable, even in Europe. Individuals carry a great level of responsibility – the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs explains, adding that every traveller should carefully consider their journey, prepare thoroughly, stay informed and follow the advice and instructions of local authorities when abroad.

Another strong earthquake was felt in Zagreb at 5:51 pm. As seismologist Kresimir Kuk confirmed for N1, the quake had a magnitude of 3.1 on the Richter scale with its epicenter in Markusevac.

The first information said that the earthquake had a magnitude of 2.9 on the Richter scale, and the epicenter of the earthquake was 4 kilometers east of the city center. The tremor lasted for a few seconds.

After two strong earthquakes of magnitude 5.5 and 4.8 on the Richter scale, which hit Zagreb in the early on March 22th and left terrible damage, the city had about thousand following trembles.

The Voice of Dubrovnik


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