Sunday, 16 February 2025
Study surrounded by culture Study surrounded by culture

Dubrovnik and diplomacy – forever in balance

Written by  May 26, 2017

There is a certain balance about studying diplomacy in the heart of the ancient Old City of Dubrovnik. This is a city that was built on diplomacy, over the centuries this tiny city republic survived using strong diplomatic ties rather than a huge army. At the height of the Republic of Dubrovnik there were numerous consulates all Europe, from Rome to London. The empathise that the Dubrovnik Senate put on diplomacy cannot be underestimated; every citizen who went abroad to work had strong contacts back at home and would regularly send information back to the homeland.

So with this vital diplomatic connection it seems almost natural that an institution would establish a university – and the Libertas International University is the oldest private university in Croatia. It developed out of Libertas Business School in Zagreb and DIU Libertas International University in Zagreb and Dubrovnik. In 2016, these two institutions merged, and today Libertas International University consists of four faculties and a business school.

And of course Libertas in Dubrovnik offers graduate studies in International Relations and Diplomacy.

Following the ancient tradition of Dubrovnik, the founders of Libertas designed its study programs as a modern version of diplomacy, international relations, international business and economics. Yes, like we said it just seems so natural to study international relations and diplomacy in the heart of this ancient city. And the actual setting is stunning. Libertas in Dubrovnik is set in a 14th century Dominican Monastery, a chance to study in such surroundings doesn’t come around every day. With views over the inner cloisters, soaring high ceilings and stone facades the monastery has its own rich diplomatic history. It all just fits into place.

- At Libertas classes are taught in small groups, and knowledge is acquired through an active approach to relevant topics. Students are equal participants in the process of education, and not mere passive observers that reproduce other people's knowledge and ideas – comments the institution on their website. And don’t forget all classes are in English.

The “International” part of international relations can also be used for the student body, as many of the students are from all the four corners of the world.The biggest strength of Libertas are its distinguished professors who possess outstanding academic and professional experience. The Libertas team of renowned international scholars includes professors that have taught or are currently teaching at Harvard University, Princeton University, Georgetown University, London School of Economics, Sorbonne University, New York University, Virginia School of Law, and other leading institutions of higher education in Europe, the United States and other parts of the world.


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Address - Ul. Svetog Dominika 5, 20000, Dubrovnik
Email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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