An official release date has been announced for Star Wars IX and there seems a chance that Dubrovnik will once again star in the movie. Disney has stated that Star Wars nine (yet to be named) will hit the screens on the 24th of May 2019. The Last Jedi, the eighth episode of the Star Wars franchise, was partly filmed in Dubrovnik at the beginning of 2016 is set for release this Christmas.
And according to a statement from the former Mayor of Dubrovnik, Andro Vlahusic, Dubrovnik could also make an appearance in the ninth episode of the popular sci-fi franchise. Dubrovnik will apparently “act” as the casino planet Canto Bight in the upcoming The Last Jedi and the former mayor believes that due to the excellent co-operation between the city and Disney that the ninth edition of Star Wars will once again come back to the city.
If this is true then we could soon see cameras and crew back on the streets of the city as the release date of the middle of May 2019 means that the production will have to start soon.