The Dubrovnik Times has teamed up with Soundset Ragusa for a new project, the Voice of Dubrovnik Weekly Review.
With the growing number of foreigners living in Dubrovnik on a year round basis The Dubrovnik Times and Soundset Ragusa have joined forces to produce a weekly radio show to better inform the international community. The Voice of Dubrovnik was launched as a daily radio program four years ago and has proved to be a valuable source of information for tourists through the summer months. The show, which is broadcast twice a day through the tourist season, features news, information, weather and events and many restaurants, cafes and hotels tune in so that their guests can catch up on the news from the city. The Voice of Dubrovnik is produced by the editor of The Dubrovnik Times, Mark Thomas.
“We have the Voice of Dubrovnik through the season for the visitors, but now we broadcast a weekly review for the Dubrovnik international community,” commented Mark Thomas speaking to the Soundset Ragusa radio station. He added that “We will broadcast every Saturday, in the morning and again in the afternoon, and will roundup the week’s news in Dubrovnik, along with upcoming events.”
The international community is slowly increasing year after year and now there are between 300 and 500 foreigners who live in Dubrovnik. When you consider that there are more foreign owned hotels in the city, and that foreign nationals are often employed, that number could be even bigger.
The Voice of Dubrovnik Weekly Review will be broadcast every Saturday on Soundset Ragusa at 10:50am and repeated at 16:50pm starting from this Saturday the 6th of February. You can also listen to the show on The Dubrovnik Times and Soundset Ragusa websites.